I'm use to hiking trails being marked out by color for distance or degree of difficulty. We started out on a sandy trail a little ways from the rocks and I thought that was all the hike was going to be. Then we started to climb over some rocks. The people who were ahead kept going higher and sometimes disappeared from sight. Every time we reached a flat area, the guides took us higher. I kept saying "Are you serious?!".
There were many places where I needed assistance from one of the guys to help me get up to the next boulder. It wasn't apparent as we were climbing just how high we were going because we could not see the end point. Going up was quite a challenge but coming back down was even more of a challenge. From this perspective you could now see how steep the climb was. Many times I wondered if I was really going down the same boulders I just climbed moments earlier because they looked so different.
My assumptions about the hike are much like how we want life to be. We want the path we are supposed to take clearly marked so we know just how far we're going and how difficult (or easy) it will be to finish. But God leads us up an unmarked path where we can only see the few steps ahead so that we have to rely on Him, have faith, and not be able to rely on our own strength or ability to reason.
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