Proverbs 19:21 says "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.
Some may have heard the joke about how it says in the Bible men should make the coffee because He-brews. Coffee percolates. And so does the destiny and purpose God has planted in each and every one of us. So literally, HE (God) brews in us different strengths and abilities unique to only us.
It doesn't take much to realize you are not like anyone else on the planet..even if you have an identical twin. The process to getting a cup of coffee doesn't start with the grounds in the coffee pot and adding hot water to release it's essence. You start with a plant. The beans are harvested and roasted. The roasting process itself has to be very precise or you can ruin the whole batch. Similarly, we go through trials and rough spots in life where it would seem we are being roasted.
We get ground up and pulverized (some of us know this feeling more than others). In the whole process from plant to cup of coffee, the bean did not do it all on its own. There were relationships with machines and different environments that all had a part in the process just like we, throughout our lives, are shaped by those we have relationship with and the environments we grow up in. Some is because of choices others made. Some is a result of choices we made.
God sees us as we are and as we should be - which are two totally different things. It's seeing coffee grounds but also seeing those grounds as a cup of coffee at the same time. You can't get a cup of coffee without having to filter it with hot water. Heat always reveals, always purifies, and can be uncomfortable to downright painful but it's necessary. You cannot have a cup of coffee without grounds, a filter, and hot water. The filter is a healing process that we need to go through. It takes time. The grounds are us and all our mess. The actual coffee is us not being constrained or limited by our mess.
The flavor of coffee is a culmination of the whole process. So whether you're an extra bold Sumatra roast or a medium Costa Rica blend...be the flavor God created you to be.
And if you find grounds in your coffee don't be afraid to ask others for help.
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